Saturday, April 25, 2009 somehow Barry Gavin was named our manager---i never knew what that meant but i was happy to have one. we were already prqcticing. once wirh our good friend Chuck Lopez on drums. That didn't work. he tried but he knew and we knew he was no drummer. then Barry showed up with a guy named pat Deason. real cute, short guy. but thoe clothes!! a mullet and flip-flops, bouble knit pants and a sleeveless tee shirt. i was never one to give a hit what people wore, but thi guy was pushing it. Barry told us if we ould get a few songs together we could open a show he had put together qt the was 2 weeks away. we were never orrie for a econd. "sure. we can do it". and we did.out place to party and practice was ot own little punk rock hub known as Little Mexico. Manolo, Chuck, Santiago, who was the one whoreally lived there, i think. he as a great friend to have on your side. and then Glen moved in and buxf stayed there from time to time. it w the Dicks practice house and drnking center. a party every day. during the two weeks we had to get it together for th show wa a big party each and every day. some of the ongs were tunes Buff and Glenn had written in other bands and i came up with my own words. so before it was over with we had the song list down:

KIll from the Heart
Bouroeois Fascist Pig
Wheelchair Epidemic (buxf sang this one)
Little boy's Feet
Sat night at th Bookstore
You Keep me Hanging on
Night Fever (another buxf singing disco)
Pigs Run ild
Dicks hate Police
then it was over...being on that big stage at the famous club as wonderful for u all. we forun out that day that pat had no trouble starting a song, but never knew when to end the the usual ending as the band stopped and he just kept playing unill some ugle look came from me to '''''stop, already" i never uderstood what was going on tht would let the ending of a song happen and you be so far away to loose it. however time gwas on his ide and he still oes it till this day. during the time on stage my houe mate and best friend, Toby, played ocktail waitreass...bringing ber to the band on stage. of course he as in some outrageous drag outfit...and as drunk as hell. cute and we were not afraid to show the queer side of punk right off the bat. even though at the time i thought ai was the only gay member of the band everyone just always went along ith my ideas to be a little extra freaky. nasty and freaky. the other bands that night were the Reactors, Sahron Tates Baby and the Next. i could n't wait ti see the tickets....but was disapointed to see all the band's names and we wee listed as "..and others", i always thought it waould have taaken less room to just put out name....maybe the dicks' were gonna test peoples comfort leval....fuck 'em.
before the show we all got deed up and Monaola had just bought a huge beat up old cadalac convertible. to go to the show we all pliled in and with Manola driving headed over ot the hippie heaven of the "Dillo.....a sight to be seen. a big car full of punk roker. ustin as not use to this. i had a purple Mohawk, purple shirt with white dots on it, and bron, wy to hort, nasty double knit double knit pants. the ret were in leather jackets, sunglasses, ripped up shits...and mean looking...i remember a city bu pulling up next to us at a red light--the hole bus s hanging out of the windows...silent and wide eyed. we wave at them and they all started yelling, 'ho are you'?, are you a band...etc" it was great...we didn't tell them we were poor ans hell and were playing for drinks and kicks. oh what a night.
a good thing a the whole ho was recored live to tape in the under stage studio the Armadillo had....same place Frank Zappa recorded a live album. we ere lucky to have out very first show on tpe and ready to bethere all these yeaes later.sounds fucking great.
i remember seeing Toby going out on stage during the other band's set bringing them beer too.....drunk as a skunk....i left early and pent the night at the Torn Pantiess girlfriend...the Torn Panties....o, Roxanne, and Byrd. boy i that another story! they were as much a part of the Dics as the Dicks.

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