Sunday, April 26, 2009

Playing the Punk Prom was a great way to start. May 16, 1980. we soon started playing Raul's a lot. a new guy named Steve Hayden had taken over the club. of course everyone was worried he might try nd change it, but he really didn't somebody might have mopped once but that was about it. Steve started talking bout wanting to do a second Live at Raul's album. the first one had lots of bands who playe there regularly. during this time we had met a guy namd Bryan Flaurity. a drummer and funny a hell guy. Boston Irish compleat with accent. he told us he had a cousin who owned a studio and would like to record a single with us. the idea of making a record had alway been a dream. all the years i stood in front of the mirrow singing into a hair brush were about to pay off. Glen Taylor had the best song in the world.....he came in to practice one day and played and sang Dicks Hate Police. we ere all pretty blown aaway. then we all played it--loud. i added a little verse about we ere planted on desert sand, and there it was...our hit! so on friday and sat. after noon in the summerof 198 we did out record. Dicks Hate the Police. a very shy long haired guy who seemed to always be there when we played offered to do the art work. Carlos Lowery showed us the art work and shocked as hell in the best way we could be, we said Yes. The communist themes i had been adding to our image came through loud and clear. hammer and cyckels and out faces lined up lke Marx, Lenin Stalin and Mao.....i loved it so much. we used the other side to put a take off of the Bee Gee's Night Fever and our own Life Time Problems. other bands in town were all starting to do records. it s a party almost every week end for some band's new record coming out. austin was full of music and punk rock was now the big ooze showing up to be the loudest and most creative out let.
when Steve Hayden came and asked us to be on the new Live at Paul''s record
we couldn't believe it. this one was going to be different too. just two bands. the Dicks and The Big Boys. side b and side d.
the Big Boys:
Randy Turner and i had known each other for years. never very well but enough to say 'hey' when we ran into each other on the drag in Austin. Both of us were sick of the hippie crap, but sot of stuck in that gray period between to two. During Sound checks when we played together, and that was a lot, he and i got to know each other pretty good. we loved each other. Both having grown up ga bu always outside of the gay scene made us a little bitter at the gay community, but at the same time open and out. Of course we had a friendly rivalry between the bands and between us as show off ingers. but it was always a game and done with love. besides the Big Boys and The Dicks were so different that it was all a game that we all loved to play.
The recording was going to take place on a riday and Sat. night during the hottest part of the summer in 1980. i remember all my close friends being really excited. i knew Biscuit would use the occasion to really show off his talent for dressing up and being a true flam of outrageousness. on the first night i dressed in a ragged dress and huge breast ith a curly blong wig. on the sat. night i pulled out the look--Nurse Julia Mean R.N.. i got a real nurse outfit. including cap and withe stockings. i had a big brown-black wig i called my Liz Taylor girl friends shortened h skirt to just below the balls....i got the biggest bra i could find andstuffed it till the cups were as hard and new pick up truck. coated in make up and looking real good....i was more than ready. a mobil recording truck was parked in the back of the club. it was a wild eek end and super hot and the club was packed. I'm sure a lot of other bands hated us for being the only band on the album. i never knew why that happened that was. whatever. i used the nurse out fit only one other time and added a brand new enema bad to the act--of course filled with beer. it was funny to un-clasp the tube and see beer flow from the little holes in the plastic white attachment at the end of the long white hose. i heald it out and veryone opened their mouths for a fe drops of tasty 'enama beer'. the nurse even got center fold in a local fanzine. i wish i had one. cause, as i said, i was a real sight.

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