Saturday, April 18, 2009

I moved back to Austin from San Francisco in late 78.
Just seeing the Sex Pistols gave me a little 'big headedness' with the one or two people i knew who had even heard of them.
seeing the gods of punk:
My friend who i lived with and i strolled into Winterland in SF, after buying our $5 tickets. I was trying really hard to be cool, but this was almost an overload. my memorie is rater distorted by time and a certen dream like sensation i was in. the Sex Pistols. and then walking in i was 100's of other punks. beautiful and weird and some a little scary. i loved it. i had this dee dee ramone hair cut...but made a quick note "cut hair tomorrow". ti me, who had never been to Winterland, it seemed the place was huge...and it seemed people wa walking in a big circle outside the auditorium. Just walking in a big circle before going in to see the band. Now, i know they were just 'being seen'. a fashion and "I'm Here" statement. i felt so uncool being in a blue jean jacket and that long hair was weighing me down.. i don't even think i drank a single sure i had no money. however back then i didn't care.
wsling into the huge auditorum i could see the misty lighted stage and it was the NUNS. the lat of their to the last song. these people were great...looked som real and sounded so loud--.making a mental note to 'start Band at once" i just stood there with my mouth open watching the likes of Alihandro Escavero in all his punk glory....Seeing the Nuns makes me special...right?
then the Avengers. Teh ture goddess of world of punk....except for England's Catwomen, was there on stage. Penelopie Houston. the most beautiful women in the world. as se hopped and jumped across the tage i saw the side of the stage...Sid Vicious. laughing and watching the band. swigging on a big bottle of beer. he was there. my hair felt a mile long. Note to self "fuck up your hair tomorrow". then they played. it was wonderful. i was hearing the ongs i had been playing 10,000 times at home. it was great. i hear the horror tales of what was really going on ith them now i didn't know any of that was like the christian seeing Jesus--or a Hare Krishna enjoying the company of Krishna Himself.
Life having just changed i wass brought back to reality by my friend's telling me his lover was going to be home after being away on a business trip and they wanted to be alone--so, here's $10..see you tomorrow. Now, Palo Alto and San Francisco are at least an hour or so apart and the bus ride is long and i was being left to the teeth of the city. Making another mental note "move back to Austin asap" i spent the night in a very bazaar se club--Mr B's Back Room. Not really where i wanted to be after the life chnging time i had spent at the concert...but i guess it made sence. a long hall way leading to a dark, big, smelly back room....and packed with every type of sexual dream or nightmare---take your pick. you couldn't see the face of the person net to you...but after a wwhile the little blue light bulb in the cornor enabled me to see good enough to give at leat 5 or 6 blow jobs to no faced strangers...before finging a bench in the cornor an going to sleep. oh what a night.
soon i was going to be back in Texas, though. God was looking out for me. i had seen Penelope Houston and Sid Vicious in the same night. had a lot of filthy sex...and thought of Austin were in my head.
good times.

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