Saturday, May 16, 2009

Waiting for Scot to finish his packing and taking things from the upstairs bed room to the down stairs garage was a mad, almost insane feeling inide of me. The other band mate and Debbie were going to b so pissed off at me. They wrned me and now the trip had started on the worst foot. i would have helped him but he really did not want me to. i just kept walking to the door of his room and asking, "when are we going to leave?". once when i looked in the the room to see why things were so silent he was setting on the bed looking through a photo album!! Like reminessing on old times. i blew up! i loved scot and he really was one of the smartest people i'd ever met, but i almost attacked him. i had to get out of the house and walk around a while. an hour or so later when i got back he was working to get the job done.
We left early the next morning. i had to drive since he had not slept all night. i never was much of a driver and hated the fact i was forced to listen to his snoring with in inches of my ear. this was before cell phone so we were out of touch with the other van.. luckily just befor we left Debbie had called Phillip at his place, who called over and over and finilly Scot anwered the phone and made a plan to meet at the club in Cincinnati. that meant us driving like mad. A phobia of mine, of which i have many, is going to high over the speed limit. i always think the cops will stop us and for some reason i will be wrongly thrown in jail and die. this little strange weirdness of mine has caused problems for all my bands. 'when i grow up i wanna be an old woman', i am.
as i drove, headed toward Reno ,the weather was starting to look funny...and the over cast sky started to snow. we were headed to the fmous Donner's Pass.
Where in the winter of 1846 whie traveling wet a wagon train party got trapped in the snow on this mountin and were forced to eat each other to sty alive. Before i knew it, the snow was pouring and i could barly see out the windows.
"Wake up!" i yelled......"ake the fuck up!"
huge truks were starting to pile up behind me. honking. i tarted slipping into groves made by the trucks in front of me..."Scot, wake up and drive!"
He jerked up when he saw the nutty driving i a doing and the potential for a big wreck. Soon we were forced to pull over at a check point set up by the Hiway patrol. "you got tire chains?" they asked
'No" scot told them
"well you gotta have em"
the cop's big red cold looking face was yelling in the window and little bit of spittle were flying into the car. Of course we didn't have snow chain so we had to buy them from the 'snow chain stand' just off the road. If i remember it wassome rip off price like $70. With cot all work up and snow chains on, e hit the road again. Reno was only a few mile ahead when i was the most beautiful sign in the world on a bill boad.."10 Miles Ahead--ALL YOU AN EAT" i started thinking...Well, things are looking up".
When the sting of having to wait hours for him to get on the road scot and i started having fun. Litening to music and planing on seeing the USA on this tour. Looking out the window i did not thinik this would the first of hundreds of times i would watch as tours took me all over the US and Europe. It was music that took me. On my own i never would have been able to go anywhere. But as corny as it sounds, my music was and always will be my best friend. and it was just starting to show that to me.

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